Corporate Sponsorships

Don’t miss an opportunity to reach South Jersey’s most coveted demographic by taking advantage of one or more of our corporate sponsorship packages:

  • Season Sponsor: Get your business’ name in lights by sponsoring a Philharmonic season. By becoming a corporate sponsor, your company name and logo will be prominent throughout our 1,300-seat venue, and will adorn our bookshelf-quality program and other promotional material. For as little as $5,000–or $1.25 per unit–you’ll have a unique opportunity to reach nearly 4,000 of South Jersey’s most influential buyers and decision-makers.

  • Concert or Program Sponsor: Sponsorship packages also are available on a by-concert basis, providing your business with an unique opportunity to reach up to 1,300 buyers for as little as $1.50 per unit, via sponsorship of a entire concert or a portion of the afternoon’s program. Like our season sponsors, concert sponsors are given top billing on signs, programs and other promotional materials, allowing you to promote your business to a highly targeted group of potential buyers.

If you are interested in sponsoring or advertising please call our offices at: 856-779-2600